Carpet Ultra Proofer


Part Number: RCCU1146

Cleans & Waterproofs Car Mats & Carpets

400ml Bottle

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Discoloured, matted-down, dirty carpets make your car look old, and while there isn’t much you can do for worn out carpets, you can make dirty carpets look almost as good as new with Renovo Carpet Ultra Proofer.

Cleaning and proofing your car’s carpets can do a lot to improve the overall look of the interior of your car, and Renovo’s new, unique and marvellous formulation not only cleans and waterproofs, it also protects with advanced antibacterial guard, is effective against super-bugs, and contains a UV inhibitor too.

Renovo Carpet Ultra Proofer is very simple to apply and infuses your car with that ‘new car’ scent!

Please see our Do’s & Don’ts page before placing your order.

Do's & Don'ts


  • Follow the product label instructions.
  • Do use clean, lint free/microfibre cloths.
  • Test on an inconspicuous area first.
  • Start your vacuuming job by pulling out the floor mats. Shake out the mats to remove any loose dirt. Use a 4" upholstery attachment or the bare hose end to vigorously vacuum the mats. The more you're able to agitate the carpet, the cleaner you'll get it.
  • Ensure that the carpet is thoroughly cleaned by vacuuming, using the palm of your free hand to beat the carpet just in front of your vacuum hose or tool. As you beat the carpet, dirt that is lodged deep into the carpet will come loose for vacuuming.
  • Shake the bottle prior to use.
  • Wear protective gloves during application.
  • Ensure that you have sufficient Carpet Ultra Proofer to complete a full coat.
  • Keep a damp cloth ready to wipe off any splashes or dribbles.
  • Work in timely fashion to ensure that the edges of the freshly applied Carpet Ultra Proofer do not dry out too quickly.
  • Allow to dry thoroughly before using the car.
  • Apply on a regular basis; the more you use it the more effective it is.


  • Forget to shake the bottle before using.
  • Dilute or mix the Carpet Ultra Proofer with any other product.
  • Apply the Carpet Ultra Proofer in direct sunlight or on a hot day that will cause the Carpet Ultra Proofer to dry too quickly.
  • Allow splashes and dribbles to dry on any interior surfaces, except the carpet.

Application Instructions

Please note: Do not dilute or mix Carpet Ultra Proofer with any other product! This would seriously impair the product performance and may damage your carpets. Test on an inconspicuous area first! Coverage will depend on age and condition of substrate.

  1. Ensure that the carpet is dry and thoroughly cleaned and free of dust and dirt. Start your vacuuming job by pulling out the floor mats. Shake out the mats to remove any loose dirt. Use an upholstery attachment or the bare hose end to vigorously vacuum the mats. The more you're able to agitate the carpet, the cleaner you'll get it. Ensure that the carpet is thoroughly cleaned by vacuuming, using the palm of your free hand to beat the carpet just in front of your vacuum hose or tool. As you beat the carpet, dirt that is lodged deep into the carpet will come loose for vacuuming.
  2. Shake the container and unlock the nozzle.
  3. Apply Carpet Ultra Proofer in even sweeping motions at a distance of 10cm/4" until all the carpet has been evenly covered. N.B. Work on each footwell individually. Do not apply in direct sunlight as this will cause the Carpet Ultra Proofer to dry out too quickly.
  4. As each area is treated/covered with Carpet Ultra Proofer it is then important to use a soft lint free/microfibre cloth to rub the Carpet Ultra Proofer into the fibres of the carpet. In case of allergic reaction it is advisable to wear protective gloves during this process!
  5. Allow the carpets to dry for approximately an hour.

Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Do not store at a temperature below O°C (32°F).