If you are new to this page, please read the below information before scrolling down to the parts catalogues
Updated: 14th December 2022
We are currently uploading our parts database to our online store, so we are able to offer both in store, and online sales options.
We have uploaded our full T-Type, Spridget, MGB, GT V8 and MGF / TF stock lists, and we are currently working on our MGA catalogue, which should be online in early 2023.
Available Catalogues
You can now search for T-Type, Spridget, MGB, GT V8 and MGF / TF parts by clicking on the Car icons below. This will take you to our catalogue index, where you can search for parts using the diagrams, and make purchases by clicking the view item button, which corresponds to the required part. (Note: this button will open the part in a new browser tab, leaving the original diagram page open. Simply close the parts tab, and you will return to the original list)
MGA Parts
For all other models, we are currently working on the parts diagrams and lists, and will be loading these as each is completed.
In the meantime, you can click on the MGA icon below, and view a list of the parts we currently have online. If you know the part numbers of the items you are looking for, simply scroll down the page manually to find the part, or alternatively, use the "Search field" at the top left hand side of the page. This will direct you to that part by opening it in a new browser window.
Please note, that although we currently have several parts listed already online, this is very small percentage of our available stock. Abingdon's in store inventory includes over 7000 items of new and used parts, ranging from Pre-war to MGF/TF. If it is not already listed online, or displaying as out of stock or NCA, please contact the shop directly by phone on 07 3844 2881, email us at sales@mgcity.com.au, or use our contact page, and we will be very happy to assist you.
Thank you for your patience as we bring Abingdon Motors Online.